Eden, chapter 13: Grey Area

Cin: … but how many shades of it?

Everyone else: *groans*

Eugenie: Pun Shame Corner. Now.

I could rest if you would not moan
Hour after hour; I have no power
To shut my ears where I lie alone.

I could rest if you would not cry;
But there’s no sleeping while you sit weeping-
Watching, weeping so bitterly.’
 – Christina Rossetti, The Ghost’s Petition

Sigyn: Try some earplugs.

Piffy: So someone’s Edwarding and sobbing at the same time? That sounds extremely annoying and awkward. Can you just stop standing next to my bed crying? I’m trying to sleep.

Continue reading “Eden, chapter 13: Grey Area”

Eden, chapter 12: Betrayal

Welcome back to the CoronaCon 2020 Eden Spork Marathon! 😀 Are you not entertained?

For the eyeing my scars, there is a charge
For the hearing of my heart-
It really goes.

And there is a charge, a very large charge
For a word or a touch
Or a bit of blood

Or a piece of my hair on my clothes.’ – Sylvia Plath, Lady Lazarus

Sigyn: Hey Averna, did you ever think about charging people for eyeing your scars? It would be lucrative!

Averna: I should have thought of that.

Continue reading “Eden, chapter 12: Betrayal”

Eden, chapter 11: Breakthrough


If I be sane, then surely it is maddening to think that of all the foul things that lurk in this hateful place the Count is the least dreadful to me; that to him alone I can look for safety, even though this be only whilst I can serve his purpose.’ – Bram Stoker, Dracula

Cin: Oh, shut the fuck up, Harker. I always hated you.

Sigyn: Skrrrt. Harker did not want to bang Dracula. That just wasn’t a thing. No offense to Harker/Dracula shippers… actually, yes, full offense. Full offense and kinkshame.

On a lighter note, please have some Mood Music for the first few minutes of reading this chapter!

Continue reading “Eden, chapter 11: Breakthrough”

Eden, chapter 10: Power

Evryn: Because I must, is “power” code for “cock”?

Sigyn: yeah probably i’m so sick of this shit i don’t even care right now. Actually,

TRIGGER WARNING: DATE RAPE. While it doesn’t actually occur in this chapter, there are situations that are mighty reminiscent of it, and I would prefer to err on the side of caution here.

Stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires.’ – William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Sigyn: I would have preferred the Oscar Wilde/Dorian Gray quote.

Eden, chapter 9: Intermission

Sigyn: Content Warning for in-law incest. I was aware of what was going on earlier because obsessmuch is not subtle, but it’s actually pointed out in this chapter. For those of you who would rather not read that, I’ve marked the beginning and end of that scene in big giant red letters.

How beautiful you are! You are more beautiful in anger than in repose. I don’t ask you for your love; give me yourself and your hatred; give me yourself and that pretty rage; give me yourself and that enchanting scorn; it will be enough for me.’ – Charles Dickens, The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Sigyn: cover6

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are currently experiencing technical difficulties. We apologise for any inconvenience, and hope to resume normal service as soon as possible.

Sigyn: *bitterly* Your existence is a technical difficulty, you badfic. Actually, there is something I need to express in regards to my reaction to this fic. Here’s a whole lot of personal storytime that you can just fucking deal with because I have a point to make and I can’t do it succinctly. I’ll un-bold most of the text and increase the indent until I’m done.

I’ve alluded to this, but I ship Hermione and Lucius because they superficially remind me of myself and someone I love:

Drepanon x Sigyn, close

(a drawing, because I don’t want to violate his privacy by putting a real photo of him on a public blog.)

Continue reading “Eden, chapter 9: Intermission”

Eden, chapter 8: Pride

Sigyn: Because I was personally triggered by this chapter, I’m putting in a Content Warning for false seduction. I don’t really know how to phrase it or what the correct terminology is, but you’ll understand when we get there.

This must be the wood,’ she said thoughtfully to herself,

Piffy: *holds up chopstick* This must be the wood!

‘where things have no names.

Sigyn: I think it’s called a chopstick?

I wonder what’ll become of my name when I go in? I shouldn’t like to lose it at all – because they’d have to give me another, and it would almost be certain to be an ugly one.’ – Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

Sigyn: Why did you have to drag Lewis Carroll into this? He doesn’t deserve that!

Continue reading “Eden, chapter 8: Pride”

Eden, chapter 7: Vengeance

‘My afflictions have conquered me; I now am well aware what crimes I venture on: but rage, the cause of woes most grievous to the human race, over my better reason hath prevailed.’ – Euripides, Medea

Our company of Players are pleased to present, for your delectation and delight, a Tragedy in four acts.

Sigyn: I’d call it more of a trainwreck, really.

Continue reading “Eden, chapter 7: Vengeance”

Eden, chapter 5: Hope

Sigyn: As in, “abandon all hope, ye who enter in”? Because we’re way ahead of you there.

‘Your eyes are made of glass. They break. You are not brave.

You are alone like a dog in a kennel. Your hands
break out in boils. Your arms are cut and bound by bands

of wire. Your voice is out there. Your voice is strange.
There are no prayers here. Here there is no change.’ 
– Anne Sexton, Angels Of The Love Affair

Piffy: *immediately looks up Angels of the Love Affair*

What the fuck? This is really weird.

Sigyn: *glances over and sees “ANGELS OF FIRE AND GENITALS”* nope. nOPE.  Continue reading “Eden, chapter 5: Hope”

Eden, chapter 4: Hell

Sigyn: That sounds about right.

It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one’s steps to the upper air – therein lies the difficulty.’ – Virgil, The Aeneid

Briar: could u not

Eugenie: Briar, sweetie, what are you doing here?

Serleina: His best.

The beverage you are about to enjoy is extremely hot. Please sip carefully.

Piffy: I mean, that’s awfully presumptuous of you.

Sigyn: I will glug recklessly and you can’t stop me.

Piffy: Also, the reason they have that warning is because someone got third-degree burns in her groin area because McDonald’s coffee was stored at temperatures not safe for human contact. The fact they got off so lightly is ridiculous.

Evryn: It’s all down to PR, unfortunately.  Continue reading “Eden, chapter 4: Hell”

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